MuPAD File -- Documentation


This file implements a new data type representing a set of Constraints. Thereby, a constraint is meant to be of the form polynomial = 0 or polynomial <> 0. A set of such constraints ist meant to be their logical conjungtion. Such sets are called constraint stores.

The data structure provides methods to construct constraint stores by incrementally defining polynomials to be zero or constant (i.e. non-zero). It further provides methods for reasoning about polynomials, i.e. you can determine whether a given polynomial is equal to zero or constant (or nothing at all) with respect to a particular constraint store object. This reasoning is compleet and corrent. Finally, you have the possibility to simplify a polynomial with respect to a particular constraint store object, e.g. x2 - x may be reduced to x if your constraint store contains x2 = 0. However, the simplification algorithm is not necessarily optimal, e.g. x2 = 0 implies x = 0 and thus the polynomial of the last example could have been even simplified to 0. But of course, you won't get a result that is more complicated that your input.

How to deal with constraint stores?

You can easily construct a new ConstraintStore object by saying

>>  C := ConstraintStore();


This would give you a new empty constraint store which is extensible by adding polynomials to it. All of the polynomials you want to add to a constraint store must belong to the same ring. By default, [x, y, z, cs_var.i $ i = 1..20] is used as polynomial variables, but you can pass your own variable list to the ConstraintStore constructor.

Note that the constraint store needs some "private" variables to handle constraints about constant polynomials or to reason about zero polynomials. Those variables are named cs_var1, cs_var2, cs_var3, ... assuming that you will hardly ever need to used such variables for your own purposes. If you want to add up to n Constraints to a store, we need n + 1 private variables.

Now, assume that we want to define the polynomial x2 - 1 to be zero. We can achive this by stating

>>  C := addZero(C, poly(x^2 - 1, [x]));

{x2 - 1 = 0}

This statement is possible although the given polynom is strictly speaking not a member of the right polynommial ring because [x] is a sublist of [x, y, z, cs_var.i $ i =1..20] and addZero is thus able to "lift" the polynomial to a corresponding member of the right ring. If this is not possible, an error occures:

>>  C := addZero(C, poly(a^2, [a]));
Error: Illegal argument: poly(a^2, [a]) does not have proper variables.

If you want to find out if x - 1 is zero with respect to C, just type

>>  isZero(C, poly(x - 1, [x]));


and you find out that this is not necessarily the case. But if we add another constraint

>>  C := addConstant(C, poly(x + 1, [x]));

{x + 1 <> 0, x2 - 1 = 0}

then we will get a different result:

>>  isZero(C, poly(x - 1, [x]));


since (x + 1) (x + 1) x2 - 1. One may want to define x - 1 to be constant w.r.t. C, but this would lead to an inconsistent store:

>>  C := addConstant(C, poly(x - 1, [x])): isConsistent(C);


What does internally go on?

This is a secret :-)

(Consult my Studienarbeit Ausarbeitung on or inspect the code)


Here is the list of all the methods that the ConstraintStore data structure provides and that are defined within this file:

1. Public tools.

Apart from that, there are some "private" tools which are described below.

Cascading Gröbner Bases

Our Groebner basis implementation is incremental, that means that a root Constraint Store has a Groebner basis for its polynomial (the polynomial itself) but if a Constraint Store has a parent, it does only need to have a partial Groebner basis, i.e. a set of polynomials that extend the Groebner basis of the ancestors to a groebner basis of the new constraint store.

Where possible, we have recycled the procedures of the MuPAD groebner package, for further information consult

[1] Geddes Algorithms for Computer Clgebra, Kluwer, 1992
[2] Cox Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms, Springer, 1992
[3] Becker Groebner Bases, Springer, 1993

Throughout the implementation we use DegInvLexOrder as monomial order.

Caching Intermediate Results

Another data type called Cache is provided to store intermediate results that may be used again in near future.

There is one global cache object that is a list of cache entries. A cache entry is a list [C, a, b, c, d, e, f] with

Initially, the cache is empty. An entry is appended to the cache when a constraint store is created. The caches behaviour is similar to a stack: when a constraint store c is pushed into the stack, the last item in the cache is deleted as long as there is one and it is not the parent of c. That is, the cache always represents a path in a constraint store tree. You can switch the use of the cache on and off by setting the USE_CACHE flag.


The final part of the file defines useful tools to deal with polynomials and ConstraintStores


ConstraintStore :Constructs a new ConstraintStore object.
ID :Returns the individual ID of a constraint store
addConstant :Extends an existing ConstraintStore object by an additional constraint
addZero :Extends an existing ConstraintStore object by an additional constraint
appendBasis :inserts a new Gröbner basis partition
basis :Returns the very last partition of C's incremental Groebner basis
cacheAddConstant :inserts a new constant polynomial to the cache
cacheAddNotConstant :inserts a new non-constant polynomial to the cache
cacheAddNotZero :inserts a new nonzero polynomial to the cache
cacheAddZero :inserts a new zero polynomial to the cache
cacheAppend :internal method to store data into the cache
cacheGBasis :"calculates" a partitional Gröbner basis by table lookup
cacheIsConstant :decides isConstant by table lookup
cacheIsZero :decides isZero by table lookup
contains :determines whether or not a polynom is member of a list up to a constant factor
containsAllFactors :tests if p is a product of some of a lists polynomials
containsFactor :tests if one of the polynomials of a list divides p
depth :Returns the depth of C, 0 iff C is a root
fastIsConstant :testing on constance by table lookup
fastIsZero :testing on zero by table lookup
gbasis :Calculates a partition for an extension of a ConstraintStore
gccd :determines the greatest constant common dvisor
indexOf :Returns the index of a constraint store in the current cache list
isConsistent :returns TRUE iff 1 <> 0 in C.
isConstant :checks whether or not the given polynomial is constant with respect to C.
isZero :checks whether or not the given polynomial is zero with respect to C.
parent :Returns the ConstraintStore C extends, or NIL if C is a root
poly :Returnd the very last polynomial in C
poly2constraint :"typesets" a polynomial as a Constraint expression
polySeq :Returns the nonzero polynomials of C and all its and all its ancestors as a sequence
print :Overwrites the default print method for printing ConstraintStores
push :pushes a new item to the stack
reduce :reduces a polynomial w.r.t. a given list of partial Groebner bases
simplifyPoly :returns a simplified version of the given polynomial with respect to C.
spoly :calculates the S-polynomial of a given critical pair.
totalBasis :Return a list of all the Groebner basis partitions of C and its ancestors.
update :updates a critical pair list as needed by gbasis
varlist :Returns the variable list of the polynomials in C including the private variables


ConstraintStore Constructs a new ConstraintStore object.


varlist : list of variables


ConstraintStore returns a new ConstraintStore object (with no constraints) over the polynomial ring with the variables given in varlist.

You can also say ConstraintStore(polynom) which takes the variable list from polynom, and you can give another ConstraintStore as second argument which is meant to be the "father" of the new store, but these two possibilities are for internal use only.

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ID Returns the individual ID of a constraint store

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parent Returns the ConstraintStore C extends, or NIL if C is a root

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poly Returnd the very last polynomial in C

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basis Returns the very last partition of C's incremental Groebner basis

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depth Returns the depth of C, 0 iff C is a root

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varlist Returns the variable list of the polynomials in C including the private variables

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polySeq Returns the nonzero polynomials of C and all its and all its ancestors as a sequence

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totalBasis Return a list of all the Groebner basis partitions of C and its ancestors.

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print Overwrites the default print method for printing ConstraintStores


ConstraintStores are printed as sets of constraints, where constraints are of the form polynomial = 0 or polynomial <> 0. The polynom2constraint method is used to convert the polynomials to the above described appearance.

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poly2constraint "typesets" a polynomial as a Constraint expression


poly2constraint(p, d)
p : a polynomial
d : the depth of the ConstraintStore to which p belongs.


If p contains the variable cs_var.d, then p is assumed to encode an ><0-Constraint, otherwise =0-Constraint. If p is the zero polynomial, we won't print it.

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addZero Extends an existing ConstraintStore object by an additional constraint


addZero(C, p)
C : a constraint store
p : a polynomial


addZero returns a new ConstraintStore object that extends C by the additional constraint p = 0.

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addConstant Extends an existing ConstraintStore object by an additional constraint


addConstant(C, p)
C : a constraint store
p : a polynomial


addConstant returns a new ConstraintStore object that extends C by the additional constraint p <> 0.

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isZero checks whether or not the given polynomial is zero with respect to C.


isZero(C, p)
C : a constraint store
p : a polynomial


isZero returns TRUE iff C implies that p is zero.

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isConstant checks whether or not the given polynomial is constant with respect to C.


isConstant(C, p)
C : a constraint store
p : a polynomial


isConstant returns TRUE iff C implies that p is constant (i.e. never zero).

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fastIsZero testing on zero by table lookup


fastIsZero(C, p)
C : a constraint store
p : a polynomial


fastIsZero returns TRUE if it was already calculated that p = 0 in C. This test is correct, but not compleet.

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fastIsConstant testing on constance by table lookup


fastIsConstant(C, p)
C : a constraint store
p : a polynomial


fastIsConstant return TRUE if it was already calculated that p is constant in C. This test is correct, but not compleet.

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isConsistent returns TRUE iff 1 <> 0 in C.


C : a constraint store


This method determines whether there exists a specialization of the variables of C that fulfill all the constraints in C. It holds that C is consistent if and only if 1<>0 with respect to C. (This is the condition implemented in the method.) ++

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simplifyPoly returns a simplified version of the given polynomial with respect to C.


simplifyPoly(C, p)
C : a constraint store
p : a polynomial


Given a constraint store C and a polynomial p, the method tries to find a polynomial q, that is equal to p with respect to C, but has a lower degree. There is no guarantee that the returned polynomial q is by any meaning as simple as possible. If no simpler polynomial that p is found, then p is returned itself.

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gbasis Calculates a partition for an extension of a ConstraintStore


gbasis(C, p)
C : a ConstraintStore
p : a polynomial


gbasis returns a list of polynomials that extend the partitions of C and its ancestors to a Groebner basis of [C, p].

The corresponding method in MuPAD's groebner package is basis.

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spoly calculates the S-polynomial of a given critical pair.


c : a critical pair [p, q, lcm(HT(p), HT(q)), sugar]


spoly returns the S-polynomial of c using groebner's s_poly

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reduce reduces a polynomial w.r.t. a given list of partial Groebner bases


reduce(p, G)
p : a polynomial
G : a list of partitional Groebner basis


reduce returns p mod <G> using the algorithm of [2, p63].

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update updates a critical pair list as needed by gbasis


update(totalBasis, G, B, h)
totalBasis : list of compleeted Groebner basis partitions
G : the part of the new partition that was calculated so far
B : the current list of critical pairs
h : the polynomial to append


update is the reimplemenation of groebner::update for cascading Groebner bases. See [3, p230] for further information.

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push pushes a new item to the stack


C : a constraint store


if C has no parent or the cache is empty, the cache is set to [[C,values]]. Otherwise, all the last entries are popped up to the parent of C (or the empty cache).

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cacheIsZero decides isZero by table lookup


cacheIsZero(C, p)
C : a constraint store
p : a polynomial


cacheIsZero returns TRUE if p is zero w.r.t. C and this fact is known to the cache, FALSE if it is known that p is not zero and UNKNOWN otherwise.

This method is fast but far from compleet whereas isZero is compleet but far from fast.

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cacheAddZero inserts a new zero polynomial to the cache


cacheAddZero(C, p)
C : a constraint store
p : a polynomial


If C is currently present in the cache (see
push), p is add to C's list of polynomials that are known to be zero.

This method is for internal use only! You may hurt compleetnes if you call this method with invalid arguments!

cacheAddZero returns null()

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cacheAddNotZero inserts a new nonzero polynomial to the cache


cacheAddNotZero(C, p)
C : a ConstraintStore
p : a polynomial


Just like
cacheAddZero, but for polynomials that are know not to be zero.

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cacheIsConstant decides isConstant by table lookup


cacheIsConstant(C, p)
C : a constraint store
p : a polynomial


This is like
cacheIsZero, but for "constant".

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cacheAddConstant inserts a new constant polynomial to the cache


cacheAddConstant(C, p)
C : a ConstraintStore
p : a polynomial


Just like
cacheAddZero, but for polynomials that are know to be constant.

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cacheAddNotConstant inserts a new non-constant polynomial to the cache


cacheAddNotConstant(C, p)
C : a ConstraintStore
p : a polynomial


Just like
cacheAddZero, but for polynomials that are know not to be constant.

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appendBasis inserts a new Gröbner basis partition


appendBasis(C, p, b)
C : a ConstraintStore
p : a polynomial
b : a Gröbner basis partition


b should be the Gröbner basis partition for the store that is created when p = 0 is added to C.

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contains determines whether or not a polynom is member of a list up to a constant factor


contains(l, p)
l : a list of polynomials
p : a polynomial


contains returns TRUE if there is some q in l and some constant r such that p = q * r and FALSE otherwise.

This is an internal method used by cacheIsZero and cacheIsConstant.

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containsFactor tests if one of the polynomials of a list divides p


containsFactor(l, p)
l : a list of polynomials
p : a polynomial


return TRUE if and only if there is a q in l such that p/q is a polynomial.

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containsAllFactors tests if p is a product of some of a lists polynomials


containsAllFactors(l, p)
l : a list of polynomials
p : a polynomial


containsAllFactors returns TRUE if and only if p=_mult(l[i]^e[i] $ i=1..nops(l)) where e is a list of nonnegative integers.

No factorisation is done.

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cacheGBasis "calculates" a partitional Gröbner basis by table lookup


cacheGBasis(C, p)
C : a constraint store
p : a polynomial


If the cache list currently contains a partitional basis for adding p to C, this partition is returend, otherwise, NIL indicates a cache miss.

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cacheAppend internal method to store data into the cache


cacheAppend(C, p, j)
C : a ConstraintStore
p : a polynomial
j : an index


cacheAppend is an abstraction of
cacheAddZero, cacheAddNotZero, cacheAddConstant, cacheAddNotConstant, cacheAddZeroBasis, cacheAddConstantBasis.

If the cache currently contains an entry for C, p is appended to the cache entry at index j.

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indexOf Returns the index of a constraint store in the current cache list


C : a constraint store


If the cache list currently contains an entry for C, then this entries index is returned. Otherwise, -1 is returned to indicate that there is no cache entry for C.

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gccd determines the greatest constant common dvisor


gccd(C, p1,..., pn)
C : a constraint store
p1,..., pn : polynomials, at least one


gccd determines the greatest common divisor of which is constant w.r.t. C.

Caution: You may suffer from a long runtime, because polynomial factorisation is used.

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